But if you ignore all the offensive and racist undertones of the game, it's actually a pretty decent shoot 'em up game (At least to me that is). If you don't know what those are, look it up. SNESBootlegs Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t05x8bv6x Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.

Here It Is, The Most Offensive Video Game Of All Time. articles written under pseudonyms for underground gaming magazines. I think theres a very obvious reason to why the game over screen isnt featured here. Hong Kong 97 is an unlicensed shoot em up video game developed and published. But ignore all those all those rumors of it being from a snuff film, it was actually from a Japanese mondo film that was sold on VHS. Penthouse Hong Kong magazine Asian Chinese October 1999 167 VCD STILL SEALED.

It is obvious that the game was made with no budget whatsoever, all of the sprites and backgrounds are just random Google Images, including the Chinese Coca-Cola logo (Speaking of which, how did they not get sued for that?), it's is very offensive towards the Mainland Chinese and even got away with using profanity in a SNES game by calling them "fucking ugly reds", the plot is very nonsensical and all over your face, and to top it all off, they actually used a real picture of an ACTUAL DEAD BODY for the game over screen! I am not joking. Contains the same pointless, confusing gameplay and droning 5-second loop music. WARNING: This video contains the infamous game over screen for this game, which features an actual picture of a cadaver (dead body). Hong Kong 97 - PICO-8 by Zizou A PICO-8 demake of the infamous indie SNES game Hong Kong 97.